- computer : 컴퓨터 [kom pu toe]
- mouse : 마우스 [m a u s]
- monitor : 모니터 [mo ni toe]
- ice cream : 아이스크림[a i s k rim]
- elevator : 엘리베이터[el li be i teo]
- camera : 카메라[ka mae la]
- microphone, MIC : 마이크[ma i k]
- CD : 시디[si di]
- DVD : 디비디[di vi di]
- date : 데이트[de i t]
- coffee : 커피 [keo pi]
- cola : 콜라 [kol la]
- cider : 사이당 [sa i da]
- McDonald : 맥도날드[maek do nal d]
- Burger King : 버거킹[beo geo king]
- Starbucks : 스타벅스[stabeoks]
- donuts : 도너츠[do neo chu]
- pizza : 피자[pi ja]
- spaghetti : 스파게티 [spageti]
- hamburger : 햄버거 [haembeogeo]
- bagel : 베이글 [beigul]
- sandwich : 샌드위치 [saen d wi chi]
- France : 프랑스 [pu lang su]
- Paris : 파리 [Pa li]
- Sri Lanka : 쓰리랑카 [ssu li lang ka]
- India : 인도 [in do]
- Philliphine : 필리핀 [pil li pin]
- Brazil : 브라질 [Bu la jil]
- Singapore : 싱가포르 [sing ga po ru]
- Turkey : 터키[teo ki]
- Sony : 소니[so ni]
- Toyota : 도요타 [do yo ta]
- Nintendo : 닌텐도[nin ten do]
1. Most of countries are called in the same way with common saying.
EX> Brazil, Singapore, Turkey etc...
2. Some brands doing business and franchizing in Korea are called in the original name.
EX> Sony...
3. Foods originated not in Korea are called in the original.
EX> Pizza, Cola ....
- Conclusion
Anything invented, created or made not in Korea is being used with its original sound using all over the world.
At this point, you may have a question how you guess where words from. I would like to give an answer understanding Korean cultural things is the best way to improve your Korean. I think any other language is NEVER understood without understanding its own culture.
If you have any question, you can email to dooliya@gmail.com at your convenience.
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