2009년 1월 27일 화요일

Get the tailored Korean class for you!

Get the tailored Korean class for you!

- With understdanding Korean things including politics, economy, society, culture, and so on, get Korean languages.

- Basically, the Korean class could be different offline and online.
- Experieced of teaching Korean with English speaking to American, Philiphinos, Sri Lankan, Japanese and lots of Chinese in NY and Seoul. - You can choose teaching language among Korean, English and Chinese.

#. Class Classification

- Practical Intensive Course (Only Offline Available)

- Preparation for the Korean test (Only Offline Available)

- Freetalking

- Learning Koean with k-pops.

- Korean News for you- Disscussion

# You must...

1. take your mind to study and learn Korean crazily.

2. not understand and think on the side of your culture.

3. have positive and critical thinking.

# Ways to learn (you can choose before you learn)

1. Offline (You should be in Seoul or around Seoul.)

- in-person learning

- phone

2. Online

- e-mail (for your writing)

- voice chatting (for your speaking and listening)

- international phone call *- video chatting *

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