2008년 12월 14일 일요일

Basic Words - Transportations

You've finished the basic principle of Korean language. You probably know how Korean components combine and how you should sound. In this time, I will give some words relevant to transportations.

In Korea, there are lots of transportations available.

1. Bus = 버스 [ber su]
There are many kinds of bus in Seoul. Blue, green, red buses are available.
Blue bus goes long distance only in Seoul and its number is usually three-digits. Green one goes short distance like in limited area. Red buses go from Seoul to suburb, Gyunggi Province. The red bus number is usually four-digits.

2. Taxi or yellow cab = 택시[tak si]
Basically, there are two types of taxes. One is just normal and the other one is offering a special service. The normal taxi is in white or silver and there is a blue cap on the top of the taxies. The special taxi, called "Mobum Taxi", is painted in black and has a yellow sing on the top. Compared to normal one, the Mobum taxi is much more expensive but it offers very nice service. The basic fare of the normal taxi is 1,900 won. (If you use it at over 12:00am, it requires additional charge.)

3. Subway = 지하철[ji ha choel]
I've already explained. The Seoul subway is neatly well-made.

4. Express bus = 고속버스 [go sok bu su]
the express bus is availave at Nambu terminal, the express bus terminal and Sangbong terminal. Your destination should decide which terminal you should use. It depends on your destination. The representative terminal in Seoul is the express bus terminal, located on southern Seoul, subway line No. 3 at the express bus terminal station.

5. Trains = 기차[gi cha] called "KTX"
A few years ago, the Korean adopted TGV from France to renew the Korean railroad. Now, the Korean-style TGV, called "KTX", is running over Korean penisula. You can take it at the Seoul station located on the center of Seoul around the Seoul city hall.
  • 버스 [bu su] = a bus
  • 택시 [tak si] = a taxi
  • 지하철 [ji ha choel] = subway
  • 기차 [gi cha] = a train
  • 고속버스[go sok bu su] = an express bus
  • 비행기[bi haeng gi] = an airplane

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