2008년 12월 14일 일요일

Basic Words - Transportations

You've finished the basic principle of Korean language. You probably know how Korean components combine and how you should sound. In this time, I will give some words relevant to transportations.

In Korea, there are lots of transportations available.

1. Bus = 버스 [ber su]
There are many kinds of bus in Seoul. Blue, green, red buses are available.
Blue bus goes long distance only in Seoul and its number is usually three-digits. Green one goes short distance like in limited area. Red buses go from Seoul to suburb, Gyunggi Province. The red bus number is usually four-digits.

2. Taxi or yellow cab = 택시[tak si]
Basically, there are two types of taxes. One is just normal and the other one is offering a special service. The normal taxi is in white or silver and there is a blue cap on the top of the taxies. The special taxi, called "Mobum Taxi", is painted in black and has a yellow sing on the top. Compared to normal one, the Mobum taxi is much more expensive but it offers very nice service. The basic fare of the normal taxi is 1,900 won. (If you use it at over 12:00am, it requires additional charge.)

3. Subway = 지하철[ji ha choel]
I've already explained. The Seoul subway is neatly well-made.

4. Express bus = 고속버스 [go sok bu su]
the express bus is availave at Nambu terminal, the express bus terminal and Sangbong terminal. Your destination should decide which terminal you should use. It depends on your destination. The representative terminal in Seoul is the express bus terminal, located on southern Seoul, subway line No. 3 at the express bus terminal station.

5. Trains = 기차[gi cha] called "KTX"
A few years ago, the Korean adopted TGV from France to renew the Korean railroad. Now, the Korean-style TGV, called "KTX", is running over Korean penisula. You can take it at the Seoul station located on the center of Seoul around the Seoul city hall.
  • 버스 [bu su] = a bus
  • 택시 [tak si] = a taxi
  • 지하철 [ji ha choel] = subway
  • 기차 [gi cha] = a train
  • 고속버스[go sok bu su] = an express bus
  • 비행기[bi haeng gi] = an airplane

2008년 12월 12일 금요일

The Principle of Korean Characters (2)

Wow! It's the second time about the principle of Korean characters! How much did you understand? I think there are only few people reading my blogs. haha.

In this time, you will realize how korean components sound. Did you remember how many components in Korean? Exactly, there are 24 components! U SO SMART!

I will put all of components distinguished vowels and consonants. As I wrote before, there are 10 vowels and 14 consonants. First, you will get sounds from 10 vowels.

(1) Vowels

  • ㅏ [a]
  • ㅑ [ya]
  • ㅓ [eo]
  • ㅕ [yeo] -
  • ㅗ [o] - Not [ou] sound. Not [au] sound.
  • ㅛ [yo]
  • ㅜ [wu]
  • ㅠ [yu]
  • ㅡ [eu] - Not easy for Western people.
  • ㅣ [i] or [yi]

(2) Consonants

  • ㄱ [g] or [K]
  • ㄴ [n]
  • ㄷ [d]
  • ㄹ [l] or [r]
  • ㅁ [m]
  • ㅂ [b]
  • ㅅ [s]
  • ㅇ [ng] - soundlessness
  • ㅈ [j]
  • ㅊ [ch] - stronger than ㅈ sound, not a double [J] sound like Chinese or Spanish
  • ㅌ [t] - stronger than ㄷ sound
  • ㅋ [c] or [k] - stronger than ㄱ sound
  • ㅍ [p] - stronger than ㅂ sound
  • ㅎ [h] - not a German 'ch' sound. not a Chinese 'he'. Should houl your voices.

Components can be combined. The order of combination is basically

(1) one consonant + one vowel

ex> 비 = ㅂ + ㅣ

비 sounds [bi] and stands for rain. You may know a famous Korean singer whose name is 'Rain.' His name in Korean is '비'[bi].

(2) one consonant + one vowel + another consoant

ex> 공 = ㄱ + ㅗ + ㅇ

공 sounds [gong] and means 'a ball.'

(3) one consonant + one vowel + another vowel

ex> 과 and 와

과 sounds [gwa] and 와 sounds [wa]. They are conjunction to be located between two nouns.

While it is kind of 'AND' of conjunctions, the usage is a littel different. '과' and '와' should be only in nouns.

When 'ㅇ' is put on the first consonant place, it doesn't have sound. It's silent. So you can say [wa].

(4) one consonant + one vowel + another two consonants

ex> 닭

it means 'a chicken' and sounds [dak]. Originally, you may have to say [dark], but [r] sound is omitted when you speak it fast. Thus, 'ㄹ' sound on below is soundless. In some internationaly languages, perhaps, don't have the 'r' sound when 'r' comes to the first place on a word. It's kinda similar principle.

(4) Two consonants + one vowel (+ another consonant)

ex> 또한 and 오빠

또한 is sounded [ddo han] and 오빠 is sounded [obba] or [oppa]. '또한' stands for 'AND' or 'ALSO' as conjunction or adverb. It depends on where it put.

오빠 is used in the situation when young girls call their own older brother or older male acquintances. It's like "BROTHER" for women.

Two of consonants can be put. But, it's limited. Only 'ㄱ', 'ㄷ', 'ㅂ', 'ㅅ', 'ㅈ' are able to be doubled with the same component. I mean if 'ㄱ' is put twice, it should be like 'ㄲ'. Doubled consonants are pronunced in similarity of Japanese, Spanish or Italian's [k], [t], [p], [c] and [j] sounds.


  • ㄱ+ㄱ = ㄲ [gg]
  • ㄷ+ㄷ = ㄸ [dd]
  • ㅂ+ㅂ = ㅃ [bb] or [pp]
  • ㅅ+ㅅ = ㅆ [ss]
  • ㅈ+ㅈ = ㅉ [jj]

(5) Two consonants + two vowels (+ another consonant)

Ex> 뛰당

뛰당 means 'run' as a verb. Its pronunciation is [ddui da]

Two vowels have a limited usage like in two consonants. There are 'ㅐ', 'ㅔ', 'ㅚ', 'ㅙ', 'ㅟ', 'ㅞ', and ''ㅢ'[ui]. 'ㅐ' and 'ㅔ', 'ㅚ' and 'ㅙ' and 'ㅙ' are similar to pronunciate.

I will give some words. You can practice yourself. I am sorry not to give you some sound files for you.

Fill in the blanks and guess how they are sounded and can should do below.

  • 안녕? [ ]?
  • 배고파 [ ]
  • 밥 [ ]
  • 돈 [ ]
  • 졸려 [ ]

2008년 12월 11일 목요일

The Principle of Korean Characters (1)

Have you ever seen Korean characters? If so, how did you feel? What do you think about them?
You might have felt like that Korean language is so weird that anybody except the Korean can't learn. One friend from Brazil said Asian languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean always sound all the same like "JJING JJANG JJONG."
So far as I know, some people aware that the Korean, the Chinese and the Japanese are using the same characters and sounds or there is similarity among the three languages.

Now that I'm Korean and the purpose of my blog is pertinent to the Korean things showing, I am not going to mention about the differences of the three languages, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Actually, Korean language is named "Hangeul" (or Hangul) and has been made by the Great King Sejong of the Joseon(or Chosun) Dynasty in 1443. Before that time, how did Korean communicate each other? I don't know because I'm not a person from the era. ^^ As I've learned, the old Korean people used the old Chinese characters with the usage of Korean style.
In the past time, there was two social levels. It's kind of hierachical. One was Yangban centralizing the society. The other one was Cheonmin worked for Yangban. Choenmin didn't write and read anything, but Yangban did. As the hierachical systems collaped, many people felt hard and uncomfortable to use it freely. The Great King Seojong realized that and instructed the Joeson linguists to creat the useful and practical language for the Korean own. It's the origin of the Korean language, Hangeul. Because of that, there are lots of words of meanings based on the old Korean-style Chinese characters.

In any case, Korean characters are being composed of vowels and consonants; there are 10 vowels and 14 consonants. Huh? Only 24 components are making lots of meanings? Yes!
You can see the below.

  • Vowels : ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ
  • Consonants : ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ

They can be combined to one word. I will give you some examples for your understanding.

  • 한 = ㅎ + ㅏ + ㄴ
  • 글 = ㄱ + ㅡ + ㄹ
  • 닭 = ㄷ+ㅏ+ㄹ+ㄱ
  • 가 = ㄱ + ㅏ
  • 와 = ㅇ + ㅗ+ ㅏ

Keep in mind belows when you write in Korean characters.

  1. Write top-to-bottom and left-to-right.
  2. Each one consonant is able to have one or two vowels.
  3. After a vowel, one or two consonants can be followed.

Basically, you can easily write if you memorize those clauses.

How about the principle of Korean characters? As you may know, for Korean people, they just use it without any gramartical thinking; they would not explain specifically and gramartically. And I may not, either. Even if I may, I will make the best effort to know you Korean languages becaause I'm a nice guy. haha XD

In the next post, I will write about how Korean components are sounded.

2008년 11월 30일 일요일

The Safest Night in Seoul

When my Japanese friend came into Seoul, he wanted to know how long the Korean sleep because he saw many people going to their own company in the morning and drinking and playing with their acquaintance overnight.

Feeling tired, The Korean usually relieve their stress with drinking, singing or so playing. Getting together is more important than taking their own time at home. The Korean night culture has lots of things to do such as drink, sing, play games, and dance. If you hang out in midnight here, you would realize you can do everything. Anyway, the Korean night cultural things have been developed because of Korean personality.

Why the Korean likes those? If the Korean night were dangerous, people would prefer to stay at home in night. There is no gun, drug and bomb blasting. Being peaceful is in Korean night. You can hang out in midnight. Nobody would touch you. By the way, students from other countries, especially Chinese, say Seoul night is kind of dreadful and fearful. Anywhere you go may make you feel like that because you are a stranger.

A couple of days ago, my Sri Lanka friends working at Hyundai Construction said Korean night is the most beautiful they've ever had. Peace is here, even though Korea has divided into, so that people enjoy life.

2008년 11월 28일 금요일

The Seoul Subway System

I'd like to talk about the Seoul Subway system. Many people visiting in Seoul ask me about their destinations. Perhaps, the Seoul metro is complicated for them.
Anyway, the Seoul Metro offers the Seoul subway map. It's available for English, Chinese or Japanese. If you need it, you can connect to www.seoulmetro.co.kr .
On the top of right side, you can click an English icon as you want. (Before downloading, Acrobat Reader should be installed in your computer.)
There are eight line and four local lines including the Airport Railroad in Seoul area. Although Seoul city is not huge, compared to other capital cities, it has many lines. It means that you can have your journey easily and lots of Korean people usually take the subway. If you visit to Seoul, you would realize that there are a lot of people packed in subway.

How to use the Seoul metro?
When you get a subway map, you can see that each line has each color. Yes! You got it! Seoul Metro has been classified in colors symbolized for line numbers.
Then, check up your destination. Where are you going to? Actually, it must be helpful with comparing to the map for travellers. And you should check the shortest way not to squander your precious time in Korea. Because the subway system is not simply composed, I strongly recommend you have to imagine how you get to your destination in the shortest time.

Can I get help from the Korean?
If you have been to Korea, you may know that Korean people can't speak english fluently or they have tendency to avoid and look at you strangely. Don't worry. You can ask young people. There is one thing you should do when you ask. Speaking in English, you should speak slowly with easy words. Even if the Korean can't speak in english, the Korean would get your meaning.
Actually, I have guided American students studying Asian Culture in L.A toward their guest house. They asked me why Korean couldn't speak in English. They thought weirdly because they had heard the young Korean is eagerly to study English for their own future. I just answered it's kind of Korean personality against other languages.

How to purchase a ticket?
You can get a ticket from vending machines. But I am not sure that the machines provide English voice service. If you get a thought the machine could cheat you or eat your money, you can directly go to an officer.
I think the officers working for Seoul metro can speak in English well. So, you can say your destination and how many tickets you need. The fare depends on distance. Originally, KRW 1,000 is a basic fare and KRW 100 would be added per 5km. (In my experience, less than 5km) In addition, there is not a kind of unlimited ticket or round trip ticket. It's only available for one way by one ticket.

How to enter the gates?
There are two types. One is similar to Hongkong subway, and the other one looks up-to-date. Anyway the usage is the same. Try it. The line 1 to 4 have old one like Hongkong, The other lines have the latest system. You can just put your card or ticket into the hole following the arrow sign. Then you can go into the gate and take the ticket coming up from the other hole.

How to do while getting on?
The corner seats are given priority to the disabled like the old, the pregnant, and so on. Even though you take a general seat, you should yield the old to your seat. Why? It's kinda Korean courteousness originated from Confucianism. If you don't want to do so, you can pretend to doze off. Anyway, the Korean old will not hate you, unless your seat is given one of them, because you are a visitor interested in Korea.
While getting on, you will see like very loudly talkative people. (they are usually old.) And you will hear and feel like that they speaking in Chinese, not in Korean language. It sounds like "JJING JJANG JJONG." Unfortunately, I can't exactly catch the meaning what they say sometimes even though I'm totally Korean. Anyway, I think every person can see that kind of people anywhere.

How to feel Seoul people life in subway?
I strongly recommend you take it on rush hours during weekdays. The peak times are from 7am to 9am and from 7pm to 10pm. Take the subway bounded into residence area! Your nose can perceive something like Kimchi or Doenjang. (It's kind of soybean paste.) And then, close you eyes and imagine why Korea had grown up shortly. Whatever!!!
I don't know the information is helpful. If you can get more informations, visit to the site, http://www.smrt.co.kr/Eng/Subway/Howto/Subway_method.jsp.

2008년 11월 12일 수요일

Korean Minimum Wage

I'd like to talk about Korean recuruiting.I'm one of the people looking for job in Korea. Actually, I was born in South Korea.I heard from my internet friends that many people living not in korea dream of working for Korean companies. Some people even have like a korean dream.

I don't wanna mention about where they are from.So, I wanna inform you of Korean minimum wage.Compared to other countries, I think it's not enough to support your life in Korea.If you teach like English at an institute, called "hagwon", you will be well treated. However, there are some restrict requirements.Anyway, the minimum wage is roughly USD 4. (KRW 4,000)

Following hiring laws, a person usually works for his or her own company for 8 hours each day through Monday to Friday. You should work for at least 40hours once a week. Can you guess?It depends on your field.If you are an English native speaker from the U.S, Aus or wherever. You can make much more money.;)There is kind of discrimination of your nationality and your skin. Korean poeple have tendency to judge by covers. So, you may feel like shit.

Don't worry. If you are skilled at English, lots of korean will follow you.Although most Korean people are well-educated in English and they'd learned English for over 10 years, Korean people can't speak in English fluently because of Korean nationality. It seems that Korean people are shy whenever they use other languges. BTW, many people can read English well. As you know that Korean people are eager to learn English, they just think that it doesn't make them feel bad when international people try to talk to them.Do you wanna work in Korea now? What can you do in Korea?Are you well-educated or skilled at your field?

plz, remind that Korean is not different from your country.Do you wanna immigrate illegally?
If so, you don't have the Korean dream you've ever imagined.

Maybe, BRICs could give you the oppotunity to succeed your dream.But, you don't have to feel afraid of that you work in Korea. You can try for yourself because you have your own dream!!
Additionally, if you fail the position what you want, don't be disappointed. Other job would be wait for you. GOGO~XD

2008년 8월 29일 금요일

Korean Language and Culture

Hi. I'm Ryu from South Korea. It's the first time that I tell you about Korean language and culture. But, as you hear me, my english pronunciation might be too poor to understand. There are lots of flaws in grammar or words. Please, understand me. You can drop by my blog to read an article about this podcasting. Feel free to visit to http://yourkorean.blogspot.com or to send an e-mail dooliya@gmail.com. and my skype account is dooliya. You can contact me with what ever you want at your convinience.

If you see a Korean person at the first time, you have to greet. How should you say? ok! I will tell you. You can say "처음뵙겠습니당.“[Cheo um boep get sum ni da.] It means "how do you do?" and you may say "hello" or "hi". You can say "안녕하세요.”[An nyung ha se yo] or "안녕하십니까" [an nyung ha sip ni gga]. There is another expession like that "nice to meet you". In Korean, it's "만나서 반갑습니당.“ [man na seo ban gap sup ni da.] You may response to it like that "So do I". ”So do I" is "저도요.“[jeo do yo.].
Ok. One more time!

처음 뵙겠습니당. [Cheo um boep get sum ni da.] = How do you do?
처 음 뵙 겠 습 니 당.
안녕하세요 [An nyung ha se yo] = Hello
안 녕 하 세 요
안녕하십니까 [an nyung ha sip ni gga] = Hello
안 녕 하 십 니 까
만나서 반갑습니당. [man na seo ban gap sup ni da.] = Nice to meet you
만 나 서 반 갑 습 니 당
저도요. [jeo do yo.] = So, do I
저 도 요

Let's practice. Follow the sentences what you've learned. First time I will say them slowly. And second time I will say them faster.

Actually, some of my friends living in other countries want to learn Korean language. But, I think before learning another language, it's essential to understand the culture. Don't you think so? hmm. nobody agree with me. Whatever!~
Anyway, I hope to be helpful for who wants to learn Korean.
If you want to get the article about this podcast, you can visit to http://yourkorean.blogspot.com or send an e-mail dooliya@gmail.com.